My name is J. Kern Radtke, although I’ve gone by many names over the years with my writing. I’ve both hosted sites and contributed to sites since before blogs were a thing. I’ve been writing movie reviews online off and on for over twenty years. My biggest success was creating and writing for a website called, but the toll of HTMLing reviews in notepad eventually evaporated all desire to continue. This was before the days of easy to run blog sites like blogger and Wordpress. You don’t know pain until you’ve had to bracket p every paragraph.
In the late 00’s and mid 10’s I hosted a couple of podcasts. The most successful movie related podcast was called CinePLEXED, which ran for a couple of years. Eventually, much like coding in notepad, editing podcasts burned me out and it too eventually fizzled. It was a fun show covering movies, movie news, and a movie of the week. Perhaps someday I’ll try my hand at it again, but I’m not convinced anyone really needs to hear another middle-aged dork vocalize their irrelevant opinions on movies and pop culture. There’s more than enough of those out there.
In addition to being a fan of movies, I’m also an artist. I’ve been sharing my art online even longer than writing. I’ve created a handful of comic strips, published a couple short comic book stories in some graphic novel anthologies, and am currently working on my own comics. I hope to share them with the world someday.
If you’re reading this, I can’t say there is much that separates me from anyone else. I’m a child of the 80’s, burdened with the same love of nostalgia and a desire to share my voice with others, even if I don’t have anything particularly important or new to say. I figure sharing my thoughts here is better than annoying my wife with opinions about movies she doesn’t really want to hear. At least with this blog, people can choose to read it or move along. I’m fine with that.
In addition to movies, I’m a life long fan of professional wrestling, rock music, everyday carry, whiskey, and cigars. I have four dogs (all rescues), and a teenager. Professionally I do custom apparel decoration during the day as well as some freelance design work. You can find most of what I do over at if you want to know more about that.
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