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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Introducing the Reformed Movie Geek

Many years ago I spent a great many hours debating the merits of this film or that film. Arguing every detail about what made a film great, or a straight up dumpster fire. I was, of course, a younger man then. As a child of the 80's, I had fallen trap, like so many from my generation, to making the films/culture I loved and loathed the very things that defined my personality as a whole. I would confidently declare that I could judge your entire character based on what your favorite movie was.

I was, in short: insufferable. 

As I've gotten older, my opinion has mattered less and less to me, as have the opinions of others. I don't really care to argue the finer points of films anymore. Hell, half the time I can't remember what I've even watched let alone liked. It's all like a mustard burp in a heavy wind these days. Instead, I'm more likely to say, "Hey, that was pretty good" or "Eh" and then quickly forget I ever watched it. 

So then, why start a blog sharing my opinions on film and television?
Despite my waning desire to argue with my peers and strangers about movies and culture, there still persists this itch to reach out and discuss this stuff. While I no longer care what a person's favorite movie is, and I certainly don't judge folks by their answer, I do enjoy commiserating with those who have an ability to genuinely enjoy the efforts of creators who put it all on the line to bring us their vision. I also enjoy lively debates, within reason, over disagreements of their value. 

After taking many years off from having a platform to share such opinions, I find it may be time to jump back in and mix it up a little. If, for nothing else, so I can have an online record of what I have and haven't seen. For example: I was surprised to find that, at some point, I had purchased (and watched) The Batman starring Robert Pattinson. While I was looking over films I'd purchased on Amazon, there it sat asking if I wanted to watch it again. I turned to my wife and asked, "When did you buy and watch The Batman?" She looked at me with surprise and informed me that it was I who had purchased it, and that we watched it the prior year.

I then started googling how early one can begin suffering the effects of Alzheimers. 

Thankfully, no doctor visits were necessary... I'm just getting old. Or perhaps I found The Batman to be incredibly forgettable. I can't be too sure, because I don't remember watching it. Someday I'll have to get around to checking it out... again.

My hopes with this blog is to share my thoughts on the things I see, and to do so as interestingly, honestly, and fairly as I can for anyone whom care to indulge me. Whether you agree or disagree with my take, know that I am just happy you took the time to share mine with me, and I encourage you to share yours with a comment.

I am not a professional critic, nor do I consider myself to be that great of a writer, but I am a man with opinions, like so many others, and this will be my place to share them for better or worse. 

My name is J. Kern Radtke, I am the reformed movie geek, and I thank you for reading.

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