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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Rio (2011) | Film Review

(Originally published on Letterboxd on Feb 11, 2014) - I didn't know what to expect from Rio. The trailers didn't look very appealing, and the cheap Angry Birds tie in only made me suspicious. So I was pretty surprised to find this little fish out of water tale to be pretty danged delightful.

The voice work is solid from all involved, with the big standout being Jemaine Clement's evil cannibalistic ex-show bird, Nigel. He just oozes sleaze, but with enough charisma to keep you engaged. Jesse Eisenberg's neurotic delivery is pitch perfect for the misplaced ground dwelling Blu. Everyone else is satisfactory. Even Will.I.Am is tolerable, which is something I never thought I'd say.

The decision to set the story in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was a great choice. It gives the characters a colorful setting filled with beautiful scenery to chew up and explore. Taking place during the annual Carnivale, there is a built in upbeat energy surrounding the main plot, so even when things are at their bleakest, there's still fun to be had.

The colorful characters and music will certainly keep the children entertained, and the fully realized characters and romantic comedy themes should be just enough to appease most parents. It's not hard hitting or challenging, it's just a fun family-friendly romp through a world rarely seen. 

Give it a shot if you've got a little one or two...or if your inner child is looking for some feel good.

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