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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Justice Legaue: War (2014) | Film Review

(Originally published on Letterboxd on March 16, 2014) - DC Films might have no idea what it's doing, but DC Animation is the leader when it comes to high quality cartoon action flickage!

Justice League: War is a modernized telling of how the Justice League came into being. Brought together by a never before seen evil, the meet each other through mutual super avenging. After the "getting to know you" phase involving insults and fisticuffs, the super individuals begin to gel into a super team.

The film is at its best early on when the many heroes are first meeting each other. The Green Lantern and Batman stuff is particularly fun. While some direction choices left part of the action incomprehensible, the one-on-one fights between the heroes are fun, and definitely help build a sense as to who these characters are, and how they'll hold their own in this new team landscape.

Another solid effort from DC in the animated department. How about we wrangle some of these filmmakers and put them in charge of the live action stuff, eh? Just sayin'.

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